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Social Media for Business 

Due to it being omnipresent and a huge part of most people’s lives, it seems like social media has been around forever. And yet Facebook and Twitter only became available worldwide in 2006, with other popular platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest following a few years later. Since then, each platform has seen major changes that have made them integral to modern businesses that range from global names to small start-ups. But the question is, how exactly has social media for business evolved?

Connecting companies with customers

Go back in time just twelve years and pages on Facebook hadn’t even been launched. Some trendsetting brands may have established some kind of presence for themselves, such as a group or profile in the name of the business, but the creation of Facebook Pages set the scene for a new age of digital customer care, low-cost promotions and a powerful conduit between companies and the public. Today, a business without an active presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn is really missing a trick and is most likely losing out on potential sales.

Live streaming

The last few years have seen live streaming become a big focus for individuals and businesses alike. Facebook and Instagram are the main sources of this type of content, which allows a page to share real-time updates of everything from events and product launches, to interviews with staff and customers. Due to the nature of activity that’s happening right there and then, these videos tend to be relatively long and don’t come with any editing, therefore giving a true representation of what’s going on inside the company.

Less is more

Despite live streaming being popular, very short promotional videos have never been more in favour. A decade ago no brand would have dreamed of uploading a video that lasts a mere 15 seconds, yet now they act as a primary means of getting messages across quickly and effectively. They often come with subtitles that are added during the editing process, allowing viewers to digest all of the information even if they’re unable to have the sound turned on due to their surroundings (admit it, you’ve watched videos on silent whilst your partner is sleeping beside you).

Brand transparency

Last but by no means least, social media has driven brand transparency to an extent that had never before been achieved. Thanks to customer reviews, client testimonials, comments and tags, not to mention public complaints where applicable, anyone can quickly explore what the world thinks about a brand simply by scrolling through its feeds or typing its name into the search box. The result is that companies strive more than ever to ensure excellent customer service, with recommendations being reshared whilst complaints are dealt with in a swift, helpful and professional manner.

Adverts that are actually relevant

Seeing adverts on your social media channels that are totally unsuitable is becoming a thing of the past. This is due to the business that’s placing the advert having the ability to target multiple factors, such as age, location, gender and interests. Meanwhile, the user has the ability to categorise any ads they wish as irrelevant, repetitive or a product/service that they have already purchased. This gives the user greater control over what they see, which simultaneously ensures that the advertiser isn’t putting ads in front of apathetic eyes and wasting their budget.

Get in touch

Is your business ready to embrace the power of engaging content? We can create short promo videos from just £40 and take away the stress of social media by running your accounts for you. Give us a call today on 07482 292081 or email [email protected] to find out how we can evolve your business in line with digital trends and consumer behaviours.

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